
2015年7月26日—IwouldliketoknowonwhetherthereisanyApp[MicrosoftMessenger]forAndroidwithinGooglePlayornot.Doesanyonehaveanysuggestions?,Madeforbigscreensandcloseconnections.Getaccesstofree*texting,andhigh-qualityvoice&videochatbuiltspecificallyfordesktop.,RunWindowsLiveMessengeronyourAndroid...MessengerWithYouisaWindowsLiveMessengerclientforAndroidwhichallowsyoutochatovertheinstant ...,我們...

Is there any App [Microsoft Messenger] for Android?

2015年7月26日 — I would like to know on whether there is any App [Microsoft Messenger] for Android within Google Play or not. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Made for big screens and close connections. Get access to free* texting, and high-quality voice & video chat built specifically for desktop.

Messenger WithYou APK for Android

Run Windows Live Messenger on your Android ... Messenger WithYou is a Windows Live Messenger client for Android which allows you to chat over the instant ...


我們免費的*多功能通訊應用程式具有無限制的簡訊、語音、視訊通話和群組視訊聊天功能,讓用戶能隨時隨地輕鬆聯繫。 隱私設定新的隱私設定可讓您選擇可以與您聯繫的 ...


Be together whenever, with our free* all-in-one communication app, complete with unlimited text, voice, video calling and group video chat features.

Download the Messenger desktop app

You can download the Messenger for Windows Desktop app ... This feature isn't available on the Android app, but it is available on these devices.

Microsoft Garage: SMS Organizer

SMS Organizer, a Microsoft Garage Project, is a FREE App that helps you focus on the SMS important to you. Smart Reminders. You will be reminded of upcoming ...

Does Microsoft have an alternative messaging app for ...

2023年2月3日 — Yes, Microsoft has an alternative messaging app for Android called Teams. Teams is similar to Skype and is considered better than Messenger ...